
Wagtail Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR)

An Accessibility Conformance Report is a document that explains how information and communication technology (ICT) products such as software, hardware, electronic content, and support documentation meet (conform to) the Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility. They are based on the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) format.

Wagtail documents the accessibility of the Wagtail admin interface with ACR / VPAT® reports, as this format is widely used in a procurement context, particularly in the United States of America.

Available reports

👉️ we’re looking for feedback on our reports. If you use them, come say hi!

To view our latest report in HTML format, go to All of our past reports are listed here in multiple formats.

Wagtail 6.3

VPAT 2.5 WCAG 2.2 and Revised Section 508 Edition

Summary table:

Conformance Level Web Electronic Documents Software Authoring Tool
Supports 70 (+2) 63 (+1) 0 49 (+6)
Partially Supports 3 (-2) 0 (-1) 0 12 (-6)
Does Not Support 0 9 0 12
Not Applicable 13 14 86 13

Report based ased on ITI VPAT® templates, November 2023 update, with the latest WCAG 2.2 (December 2024), and Revised Section 508 (January 2017). Built with OpenACR version 0.3.8.

Wagtail 5.2

VPAT 2.5 WCAG 2.2 and Revised Section 508 Edition

Summary table:

Conformance Level Web Electronic Documents Software Authoring Tool
Supports 68 62 0 43
Partially Supports 5 1 0 18
Does Not Support 0 9 0 12
Not Applicable 13 14 86 13

Documents based on ITI VPAT® templates, September 2023 update, with the latest WCAG 2.2 (October 2023), and Revised Section 508 (January 2017). Built with OpenACR version 0.3.7.

VPAT 2.4 WCAG 2.1 and Revised Section 508 Edition

Documents based on ITI VPAT® templates, September 2023 update, with the latest WCAG 2.1 (October 2023), and Revised Section 508 (January 2017). Built with OpenACR version 0.3.7.

Other formats and feedback

Looking for a report in another format? Is there missing information, or other inaccuracies? Please let us know in GitHub issues.

Generating reports

Either start from an existing report, or use the OpenACR Editor to generate the YAML. Then use the OpenACR CLI to generate the HTML and Markdown:

# Update all with absolute paths:
openacr output -f acr_wagtail_6.3_2.5-edition-wcag-2.2-508-en.yaml -t openacr-markdown-0.1.0.handlebars -c 2.5-edition-wcag-2.2-508-en.yaml -o ./
openacr output -f acr_wagtail_6.3_2.5-edition-wcag-2.2-508-en.yaml -t openacr-html-0.1.0.handlebars -c 2.5-edition-wcag-2.2-508-en.yaml -o ./acr_wagtail_6.3_2.5-edition-wcag-2.2-508-en.html

Note the default HTML output relies on external files which we don’t want to include, and has a few bugs. See commit ae2d51b for necessary changes.