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Set up Starlette publisher

This document describes how to set up a publisher using the websocket technique and Starlette. Starlette is a lightweight ASGI framework.

Set up event bus

First, follow the steps in set up an event bus.

Install starlette

Install starlette:

$ pip install starlette


In order to use starlette for the publishing part, add this to your settings:

WAGTAIL_LIVE_PUBLISHER = "wagtail_live.publishers.starlette.StarlettePublisher"

Configure server host and port

In this architecture, you will need a separate server to handle websocket connections. You can define the server's host and port in your settings file as follows:

WAGTAIL_LIVE_SERVER_HOST = "my-server-host" # Defaults to `localhost`.
WAGTAIL_LIVE_SERVER_PORT = "my-server-port" # Defaults to `8765`.

In development mode, you can use the following command to start the server:

python run_publisher starlette

Add publisher template

We also need to add this to our live_blog_page.html template:

{% include "wagtail_live/websocket/starlette.html" %}