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Telegram WebhookMixin.

set_webhook() classmethod

Sets webhook connection with Telegram's API

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def set_webhook(cls):
    """Sets webhook connection with Telegram's API"""

    response = requests.get(
        get_base_telegram_url() + "setWebhook",
            "url": get_telegram_webhook_url(),
            "allowed_updates": [
    payload = response.json()

    if not response.ok or not payload["ok"]:
        raise WebhookSetupError(
            "Failed to set Webhook connection with Telegram's API. "
            + f"{payload['description']}"

verify_request(self, request, body, token, *args, **kwargs)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def verify_request(self, request, body, token, *args, **kwargs):
    """See base class."""

    if token != get_telegram_bot_token():
        raise RequestVerificationError

webhook_connection_set() classmethod

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def webhook_connection_set(cls):
    """See base class."""

    response = requests.get(get_base_telegram_url() + "getWebhookInfo")
    if response.ok:
        # Ensure that the webhook is set with the correct URL
        payload = response.json()
        return (
            payload["ok"] and payload["result"]["url"] == get_telegram_webhook_url()
    return False


Telegram webhook receiver.

add_image_to_message(self, message)

Telegram sends images uploaded in a message one by one.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def add_image_to_message(self, message):
    """Telegram sends images uploaded in a message one by one."""

    channel_id = self.get_channel_id_from_message(message=message)
        live_page = self.get_live_page_from_channel_id(channel_id=channel_id)
    except self.model.DoesNotExist:

    message_id = self.get_message_id_from_message(message=message)
    live_post = live_page.get_live_post_by_message_id(message_id=message_id)

    files = self.get_message_files(message=message)
    self.process_files(live_post=live_post.value, files=files)


dispatch_event(self, event)

Note: Telegram doesn't send an update when a message is deleted.

See also base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def dispatch_event(self, event):
    **Note**: Telegram doesn't send an update when a message is deleted.

    See also base class.

    for edit_type in ["edited_message", "edited_channel_post"]:
        if edit_type in event:

    message = event.get("message") or event.get("channel_post")
    if "media_group_id" in message:
        except KeyError:

    if "entities" in message and message["entities"][0]["type"] == "bot_command":


get_channel_id_from_message(self, message)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_channel_id_from_message(self, message):
    """See base class."""

    # Since live posts aren't cleaned when they are added via a receiver,
    # we make sure at this level that we return the correct types.
    return str(message["chat"]["id"])

get_file_path(self, file_id)

Retrieves the file_path of a Telegram file.

The file_path is necessary to have more infos about the image and to download it.


Name Type Description Default
file_id str

Id of the file to download.



Type Description

The file_path property of the file as sent by Telegram.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_file_path(self, file_id):
    Retrieves the `file_path` of a Telegram file.

    The `file_path` is necessary to have more infos about the image and to download it.

        file_id (str): Id of the file to download.

        str: The `file_path` property of the file as sent by Telegram.

    response = requests.get(
        get_base_telegram_url() + "getFile", params={"file_id": file_id}
    return response.json()["result"]["file_path"]

get_image_content(self, image)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_image_content(self, image):
    """See base class."""

    file_path = image["file_path"]
    response = requests.get(
    return ContentFile(response.content)

get_image_dimensions(self, image)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_image_dimensions(self, image):
    """See base class."""

    return image["width"], image["height"]

get_image_mimetype(self, image)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_image_mimetype(self, image):
    """See base class."""

    mimetype = image["file_path"].split("/")[-1].split(".")[-1]
    return "jpeg" if mimetype == "jpg" else mimetype

get_image_name(self, image)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_image_name(self, image):
    """See base class."""

    return image["file_path"].split("/")[-1]

get_image_title(self, image)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_image_title(self, image):
    """See base class."""

    return image["file_path"].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]

get_message_files(self, message)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_message_files(self, message):
    """See base class."""

    if "photo" in message:
        # Choose original photo which is the last of the list
        photo = message["photo"][-1]
        photo["file_path"] = self.get_file_path(file_id=photo["file_id"])
        return [photo]
    return []

get_message_files_from_edited_message(self, message)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_message_files_from_edited_message(self, message):
    """See base class."""

    return self.get_message_files(message=message)

get_message_id_from_edited_message(self, message)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_message_id_from_edited_message(self, message):
    """See base class."""

    return self.get_message_id_from_message(message=message)

get_message_id_from_message(self, message)

Messages containing multiple images have a media_group_id attribute.

See also base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_message_id_from_message(self, message):
    Messages containing multiple images have a `media_group_id` attribute.

    See also base class.

    msg_id = message.get("media_group_id") or message.get("message_id")
    return str(msg_id)

get_message_text(self, message)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_message_text(self, message):
    """See base class."""

    # Telegram parses the text of a message before sending it.
    # The result can be found in the message's "entities".
    return {
        "text": message.get("text") or message.get("caption") or "",
        "entities": message.get("entities", []),

get_message_text_from_edited_message(self, message)

See base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def get_message_text_from_edited_message(self, message):
    """See base class."""

    return self.get_message_text(message=message)

handle_bot_command(self, message)

Handles the following bot commands:

  • /get_chat_id: returns the id of the current chat.
Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def handle_bot_command(self, message):
    Handles the following bot commands:

    - `/get_chat_id`: returns the id of the current chat.

    command = message["entities"][0]
    start = command["offset"]
    end = start + command["length"]
    command_text = message["text"][start:end]

    if command_text == "/get_chat_id":
        chat_id = self.get_channel_id_from_message(message=message)
        response = requests.get(
            get_base_telegram_url() + "sendMessage",
                "chat_id": chat_id,
                "text": chat_id,

        payload = response.json()
        if not payload["ok"]:

process_text(self, live_post, message_text)

Use the message entities to convert links.

A raw link isn't converted by Telegram and a link with a description is sent as a text_link entity.

See also base class.

Source code in wagtail_live/receivers/telegram/
def process_text(self, live_post, message_text):
    Use the message entities to convert links.

    A raw link isn't converted by Telegram and a link with a description
    is sent as a `text_link` entity.

    See also base class.

    text = message_text["text"]
    len_text = len(text)
    entities = message_text["entities"]

    # Process the entities in reversed order to be able to edit the text in place.
    for entity in reversed(entities):
        url = ""
        start = entity["offset"]
        end = start + entity["length"]

        if entity["type"] == "url":
            url = description = text[start:end]

            if is_embed(url):
                # Check if this can match an embed block, if so no conversion happens.
                # It matches an embed block if it has a line in the text for itself.
                if end == len_text or text[end] == "\n":
                    if start == 0 or text[start - 1] == "\n":
                        # This is an embed block, skip to the next entity

        if entity["type"] == "text_link":
            url = entity["url"]
            description = text[start:end]

        if url:
            url = format_url(url)
            link = f'<a href="{url}">{description}</a>'
            text = text[:start] + link + text[end:]

    return super().process_text(live_post=live_post, message_text=text)