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Install this package in development mode:

git clone
cd wagtail-live

With your preferred virtualenv activated, install the package in development mode with the included testing and documentation dependencies:

python -m pip install -e '.[test,docs]' -U


Run the test suite locally:


Or test all supported configurations using tox:

python -m pip install tox

Code style linting

Check the code style of all files (requires GNU Make to be installed):

make lint

Fix any errors that can be automatically fixed:

make format


Run documentation locally:

mkdocs serve

Deploy documentation to Github pages:

mkdocs gh-deploy

Releasing new versions

This package follows SemVer.

Please keep SemVer in mind when updating the version number in src/wagtail_live/

Building the package & publishing to PyPI

Make sure you install the build extra before attempting to make a release:

pip install -e '.[build]'

This project comes with a helper script that assists in making a release.


This script will:

  1. Verify that no git tag exists for the current version number.
  2. Build wheel and source distributions.
  3. Show instructions on how to create a git tag.
  4. Show instructions on how to upload to PyPI.